Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 4: Favourite quote

Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it

When I first read the prompt for today my mind immediately went to this quote below because I say it over and over in my head all the time during my downs:

"This too shall pass."

Of course these are comforting words but I didn't want to choose them as my favourite quote. I say these four words over and over in my head as a mantra for survival. For this post I want to choose words that inspire me not just words that get me through tough times.

The quote that I'm going to choose as my favourite quote came from Shae at Free Range in Suburbia. I came across Shae's blog when I participated in the I Heart My Body campaign last year. This quote from Shae's post for this campaign resonated with me so strongly that I immediately typed it up all pretty, printed it and stuck it on my wall above my laptop screen.

If I could truly feel these words for myself and live by them everyday I reckon my life would be really different.

These words acknowledge that the society we live in has a strong preference for "perfect" when it comes to body size and shape. Too much of my sense of self is wrapped up in this warped and unrealistic ideal.

My interpretation of Shae's quote is that she is saying a big fuck you to society and standing up for the right to feel sexy and worthy no matter what she weighs.

This quote is triumphant and powerful and I love it.

You don't know me Shae but I just wanted to say thank you for such an inspiring post with the most awesome quote!


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